Daniel Willems


Building a Buyer-Focused Pipeline – Buy-From or Sell-To Mindset to Sales Success

If you are not following Colleen Francis for insights on modern selling, then you should. Let’s just start this article with that prompting. 

See the link to her blog below

The Customer sees you – the seller- before you see them!

Make sure you read that and let it sink in. She is so right with this statement. I really like how she describes this scenario too. 

It is a “buy-from” world and no longer a “sell-to” world. She declares the “sell-to” market of the past – dead!  We agree 100%

What does this mean for sellers? 

1. Sellers are no longer in control of the sales process. Sellers use to control every aspect of the sales process including when you started a conversation with an eager to learn buyer. Those days are over because buyers no longer need sellers for insights and information. 

2. Buyers are in charge! They research and seek out to speak with who they want to engage with. They talk to peers and ask their community for recommendations. The question sellers should be asking from this major shift in the buyer journey is, “Where do buyers do their research??” 

If buyers control how they buy and all the steps they take in their buying journey. AND, we know buyers start with research. As a seller, you need to wonder where they start their first step in their buying process. You need to ask this question because that is where you want and need to be found if you want a chance to win their business. 

We shout this statistic a lot and it is worth repeating here. Forester found buyers purchased 74% of the time from the company or individual who first helped them with new insights or research that helped them discovery a new opportunity. Not to repeat ourselves but it is worth hearing again because sellers need to provide a lot of content that helps buyers look to them for insights and information in order for the seller to win more deals. 

3. Sellers CAN NOT win with a seller-focused process!

Yes it can be frustrating when the buyer’s process is not linear. It is more challenging for sellers. But, if you don’t adapt, you just won’t win as many deals.

57% of sales reps will not hit quota this year! (source)

Colleen offers a 3-step process to start building a buyer-focused pipeline for your business. 

  1. Ask
  2. Align
  3. Apply

Click below to read the full article for details on her 3-steps. 

We would also add from a content creation or curation side, if your buyers have a question, you should write a blog or curate a blog about it. Buyers always have their eyes and ears open for new solutions to their challenges. In our modern, digital world this means they read content and see what their colleagues and friends are sharing and reading in their newsfeeds. 

To fill sales rep pipelines, they need to be in the newsfeeds daily and able to share high quality content with buyers consistently. 

Want to learn how you can do that easily with FunnelAmplified?  Connect with me and let’s find a time to discuss. 

This article is published on:https://www.engageselling.com/blog/building-a-buyer-focused-pipeline/

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