Daniel Willems


Social Selling KPI’s. A model to confidently measure any social selling program and its effect on key sales indices.

When we launched FunnelAmplified we knew measurement was going to be a big request from customers. About the same time we started to develop our platform, SAP presented results from their SAP Global Social Selling Report at the Sales Enablement Society Conference

SAP invested millions of dollars and several years in their global social selling initiative. After 5 years of implementing, training and learning, they performed a 2-year research project to find out if their investment into their global sales team was driving new revenues and influencing other key sales indices. 

SAP Global Social Selling Report Summary Findings

SAP Global Social Selling Report clearly demonstrated the value of social selling to more effectively perform sales activities that lead to 2% more conversions, 60% more likely to meet quota, 200% increase in qualified pipeline and, the biggest in our opinion, a 300% (3x) increase in average deal size. Wow! 

Below is a summary of the research model and how FunnelAmplified has built a Performance Model based on the SAP model.  For your researchers and data nerds  , they used a sample size of 10,190 LinkedIn Navigator Users who also went through the SAP Social Selling Training program. If you would like to access the full report, please use the links above or below to read the entire report. 

Research utilized LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index score and the user’s Sales Navigator activities that drive user’s SSI score.  Then, they looked at correlations between SSI activity and how each User compared to the SAP Sales Key Indices. Using this methodology, over a 2-year period, they found the results that were shared above. 

What does this mean for your business?  Quite simply, there is a direct positive correlation between LinkedIn SSI score, driven by strategic relationship building behaviors and an individual sales reps sales success. If you multiplied this results across the size of your sales team, what could this type of training and solution do for your business? 

FunnelAmplified, and our social selling platform for sales teams, used this research and expanded upon the KPI model to create the FunnelAmplified Performance Driver’s Model.  It is a KPI methodology we recommend for our customers to evaluate our platform, along with social selling training and Sales Navigator activity.  

One of the biggest challenges for sales team members is consistently performing daily, social selling and content sharing activities that lead to higher customer influence, engagement and of course, an increased SSI score.  FunnelAmplified solves this challenge with our platform and social selling training program powered by DLA Ignite.  

The FunnelAmplified Social Selling KPI Performance Driver Model

Using FunnelAmplified provides additional layers of daily sales activity that are aligned with the modern buyer journey. Utilizing Amplify and ContentHub solutions provide daily, consistent actions that are consistent with how buyers choose to research and engage with potential vendors. If you have experienced a decrease in qualified pipeline, experienced a decrease in email response rates and a big increase in sales reps who are not meeting quota, then you have most likely experienced a change in buyer behavior and have not yet adjusted sales activity. 

FunnelAmplified will help you make this shift. Plus, we want you to test our solution and make sure it creates positive change for your team. That is why we created the FunnelAmplified Performance Driver’s Model. It is a simple methodology to apply to a 6-month beta test and be certain of capturing information KPI data to support or refute adopting FunnelAmplified across your team. 

If you would like to learn more about our Performance Model or to request a demo of FunnelAmplified, let me and I would be glad to assist you. 

The original SAP report was presented by Kirsten Boileau and Michael Labate both from SAP. Researched was conducted by Joel Le Bon, Ph.D, professor of sales and marketing at The Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School. 

This article is published on:https://cdn.ymaws.com/sesociety.site-ym.com/resource/resmgr/conference/2018/doc_boileau_labate2018ses.pdf

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